
Influential Megachurch Pastor T.D. Jakes Addresses Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision

During the June 28th, 2015 Sunday morning service at the Potter’s House, in Dallas, Texas, founding Pastor T. D. Jakes made remarks on the Supreme Court’s decision overturning state bans on gay marriage, which he said was not his primary concern.

According to video excerpt of his remarks published online, here is some of what Bishop Jakes had to say:

“I’m not really as concerned about this as a lot of people are. I’m really not concerned about it. I think we should not lose our mind about the world being the world and the Church being the Church. This is not a news flash. The world is gonna be the world and the Church is gonna be the Church, and you have to understand the difference.”

He went on to explain to his congregation that the Supreme Court, as a worldly institution has one job: to uphold the rights of all Americans.

He said, “The Supreme Court is there to make a decision based on constitutional rights and legalities that fit all Americans. They are not debating scripture,” he said. [applause from congregation]

“They are just not debating scripture,” Jakes repeated. “I guarantee you that they were not looking at Romans 1 and first Corinthians this and weighing it against policies.”

“We have bought into all this rhetoric and about American being a Christian nation,” he said. He went onto suggest that indeed America has a lot of Christians in it but that the country is governed as a democracy and not by theocratic principles.

Jakes added, “But what we do need to watch is that our religious freedom is also respected and protected so that we don’t have to get caught up in the winds of the world and go the way the world is going. SO we need to watch that as we grapple with an ever-changing society, and our society is becoming more and more pluralistic.”

:There’s nothing to say that Christianity will be the dominant religion in this country. I hope it will. It’s up to us,” he added, going on to say that Christians have “stopped witnessing” and “stopped winning souls” and continue to isolate themselves from people who do not “believe like we believe.”

He clearly remarked that runs against what Jesus commanded His followers to do, adding, “Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature.”

“So we need to change as a Church too. We need to start reaching out to all toes of people and preaching to them and ministering to them and sharing our faith with them. I don’t mean on Sunday morning. I mean in the mall. I mean in the grocery store. I mean while you’re getting your hair done. It’s time for you to be a real Christian. I mean a real Christian and win people to Jesus Christ. And you can start in your own house.”

Jakes rounded up his remarks by informing worshipers that, “God is still in control,” and giving them a stern warning about God’s judgement.

“The Supreme Court makes its decisions based on the Constitution, debating the constitutionality of any particular issue. But I must warn you, God does not judge you by the Constitution. He judges you by the word of God. SO while the Supreme Court is looking at the Constitution, you better search the scriptures,” Jakes said

Holding up the Bible, he added, “This blessed old book is still good, it’s still right anyhow.”

During the excerpted remarks to his congregation on Sunday about the Supreme Court legalizing same sex marriage, Bishop Jakes did not say what he believes the Bible says about human sexuality, or share his thoughts on the definition of marriage. which orthodox Christians hold as a monogamous heterosexual union.

The Supreme Court made it decision, but God’s word remain the same – “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” ~ Mark 10:6-8

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About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

7 Comments on Influential Megachurch Pastor T.D. Jakes Addresses Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us, and amen to Pastor Ava Baird.

    For some reason many Christians have fallen for the lie that we should not have any contact with non believers. When Romans 12:2 (NIV) says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”, it doesn’t say we should isolate ourselves from the world. We should change our thinking, and stop thinking the way the world thinks. It continues to say “…Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”. So we will be able to find and experience his perfect will, and be living, walking testimonies of His goodness.

    While knowing the truth and the Good news, it is selfish to keep it to ourselves. But by being scared of people’s opinions, we become “people pleasers” instead of “God pleasers”.

    Although this incident might not be relevant to gay marriage, I feel it is relevant to us preaching the Gospel as mentioned in this post. I recall hearing about this sincere Christian man who found a homeless man sleeping outside in the cold and in the rain with no shelter and nothing to keep him warm. He got upset and started questioning God about why God allowed this to happen. As he was questioning God, God answered him, and said; “I am not allowing this, why do you think I sent you to him?”

    When we hear about these things, we are quick to ask what the church is going to do, and what our leaders such as the pastors are going to do. But we tend to forget that WE are the church. So when asking what the church is going to do, we can just as well ask; “what am I going to do?”

    Thank you Yvonne,

    Have a great weekend.

    • Hi Jaco

      Thank you for coming and for this awesome and valuable comment. You have made some solid points. The way that many Christians behave today it’s as if we have already arrived, we are better than others and it doesn’t matter who’s left behind. It is sad because one day, we will have to give an account for it.

      I am happy that you mentioned that scripture from the Apostle Paul. It’s about having a mind transformation so that yes we can begin to experience the perfect will of God and see His goodness. His true unconditional demonstrated through us can turn any sinner into one who is saved by His grace. God hates sin YES and there is a penalty for it if the person who is committing the sin remain unrepentant. However, I cannot imagine that because a man is gay or a woman is lesbian or some other person is doing wrong that God will deny them His love.

      We have to reach out to all people. Now if they reject us and the gospel that we preach then the bible gives us a solution to that and we have to know when it is time to shake the dust off of our feet and move on. [“Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet.” Matthew 10:14] Meaning if we go to someone with the gospel and they reject us and what we are preaching, then we turn around, leave them alone, shake the dust from that ground off and move along our merry way.

      God’s grace is sufficient and He can and will save any man that will receive His free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ His Son. We many not be able to change everything, but the question you presented, which I love “what am I going to do?” It is relevant and it’s cause for each one to do self examination.

      Thanks again for this awesome comment. Have a great day/weekend.

  2. Yvonne, your blog on this issue was the greatest. We was at the service and it probably wasn’t the response that everyone was expecting but as usual it was superb!. Thank you for your blog

    • Hi LaNette

      So good to have you stop by and to share your thoughts on this. It is normal when something major such as this to have all kinds of things being said, and people giving their opinion one way or the other. But the only thing that this can be measured against it is the word of God – the only truth that shall set us free.

      Let continue to pray my sister. God bless you and your ministry.

  3. I do believe that we as the church need to step up to the call and purposes of God wherewith he has called us and do his will of shining his light. Instead of complaining of the darkness we need to turn on the light and darkness must flee. If we as christians walk in unity greater than the world’s unity we will go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature including the homosexuals. We will continue to lift up the name of Jesus and He will draw homosexuals to Himself. God will fight the battle, we cannot. God will always win, no matter what it looks like. Homosexuals have a heart which is reachable by God. This is not a time for the children of God to panic. This is just an opportunity which will push us into our purpose of greater evangelism and outreach ministries. A greater opportunity to seek the face of God and have him lead and direct us how to reach the gays and watch satan’s kingdom fall. It is also our opportunity to teach our children early about the principles of God and also to teach our family, communities and nations about the principles of God as it pertains to marriage as one man and one woman. This is just a wake up call for the believers in Christ to step up as creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God.

    • Hi Pastor Ava

      First off so glad to see you here to weigh in on this. Secondly, I could not have said it any better than you have. There is a prophetic sound and all of what you have said, have implications to the body of believers in Christ.

      It is clear that the tides have changed and we are in a completely new season. It is either we embrace it and step up to the challenge or we resist it and fall to the devices and tricks of Satan. God is NOT taken b surprise and neither was He caught off guard. Believers in Christ are asleep and this is what has jolted the church from its slumber.

      Clearly we do not do church like we once used too. We are no longer on fire for God because if we were, that fire would have already caught people [unsaved] in the streets, supermarket, clubs, movies and wherever. We are good at ‘clubbing’ behind the 4 walls of the church and have either forgotten or neglected our duties to fulfill the mandate as per the Great Commission and to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Evangelism starts in our home and then we take it elsewhere. But even there I must say, the church seemed to have failed.

      We have become lukewarm, cold and laid back thus giving the enemy sufficient room to creep in and rake havoc in the land. We need to PRAY like never before and as scripture alluded it is by prayer and fasting that positive and lasting change will come. The battle indeed belong to God. He can change and transform any man/woman, gay/straight heterosexual. However, we need to be fervent and effectual in our prayer.

      Meanwhile the church get its act together, may Gd have mercy upon us all.

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