
8 Great Reasons to Drink Plenty of Water


Ah, water: an essential component of literally every living creature in our world. One of the most important and valuable resources of the planet, water is something we’re fairly familiar with, yet we often forget the benefits it gives us every day. Have you ever thought about why drinking enough water is so important for your health? Let’s take a look!

  1. Water is essential for the structure of your body.

Generally, an average adult human is made of around 60% water. But that’s an average estimate. Some parts of your body are even more “watery” than that! For example, your brain is 73% water, while your lungs are 83% water. If you don’t drink enough, these are the first organs that will start suffering from such an attitude. So pour yourself a good glass of water and keep them healthy!

“To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment” and “the river of water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” ~ Revelation 22:1

  1. Water is the chemical environment needed for uncountable chemical reactions in your body.

Substances can’t react one with the other, if not presented with proper conditions for that. Water is a universal environment (and sometimes – a potent catalyst) for this matter. Taking into account that millions of different reactions are necessary for the proper functioning of your body, this function of water cannot be underestimated.

  1. Water is crucial for a beautiful skin.

The elasticity of the skin highly depends on a proper water amount in the skin cells. When the amount of water drops, the skin becomes dry, somewhat rigid and very susceptible to any kind of damage. Therefore, if you want to stay young and pretty, stay hydrated!

  1. Water helps you to feel less hungry..

One of the most powerful factors that contribute to the feeling of hunger is an empty stomach. When we fill it with anything, special receptors present in the stomach lining send signals to our brains indicating that “we’ve got something to digest, don’t feel hungry”. Many highly effective low calorie diets rely on this fact – for example, hcg diet drops, during which the dieter is subjected to a very low calorie eating regime with strict limitations in matter of allowed food assortment and quality. Drinking a lot of water during such weight loss courses can help you to feel great while losing weight effectively!

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” ~ John 4:14 (ESV) English Standard Version 

  1. …and speeds up weight loss.

Several studies indicate that water effectively increases metabolism. In fact, a boost up of almost 30% in metabolic rate was indicated, and that’s a lot! This is provided by the fact that the temperature of the water we drink is significantly lower than the temperature of our insides. To warm up the liquid, our bodies use up energy – therefore burning previously stored calories. This is called “water-induced thermogenesis”.

  1. Water helps you to cleanse your body from waste products.

Essentially, that’s the function of urine, which cannot be formed without proper water intake. In fact, in case of intoxication of any sort, an increased water intake is the thing that will speed up your recuperation! Easy life-hack: when you’re sick, drink a glass of water every time you think about your sickness. Convalescence assured to be boosted up drastically.


  1. Drinking Water May Relieve Headaches.

One of the possible reasons for headaches and migraines is the decrease in intracranial pressure. The possible reasons for that are countless, but one of them is alcohol intoxication. If you ever woke up with a violent hangover after a crazy party, then you probably know what I’m talking about. Our bodies need water to eliminate products of alcohol metabolism; therefore a universal dehydration is always present during hangover.

Our brains are the most sensitive structures for such a condition, because they are “suspended” in the cranial cavity, floating in intracranial liquid. When your body is dehydrated, your brain has less liquid to float in – thus the pain present. Of course, that’s a very rough explanation, but it helps to understand the principle. Other headaches are also relieved by water in many cases.

  1. Proper Water Intake Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation.

One of the possible causes of constipation is a water-deficit regime. Therefore, one of the simplest ways to get rid of it is to drink plenty of liquid! Besides that, water is essential to ensure proper digestion in your intestines, because many enzymes work properly only in watery environment, which serves as a catalyst sometimes.

Of course, this is just the main benefits you get from drinking plenty of water, but if you dig further into the subject – you’ll find so much more of them. In fact, the saying “water is life” is not exaggerated, and our well-being is literally impossible without proper hydration.

Wherever you go – don’t forget to carry a bottle of water with you. Besides being highly beneficial for your health – it just improves mood. After all, we all know that highly unpleasant feeling of thirst, especially when we’re in the middle of the working day, running like crazy squirrels around the city. To stay healthy and energized, water is the solution!


“Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.'” ~ John 7:38 (ESV) 

Water is extremely vital in sustaining our bodies and communities and, it is also a very critical part of our spiritual lives.


This article was contributed to Empowerment Moments Blog by guest author.

About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

8 Comments on 8 Great Reasons to Drink Plenty of Water

  1. Thanks for the blog . Its helps me to loss weight and beautiful skin.

  2. Daniel Anikwue // December 8, 2016 at 11:52 pm //

    Great enlightenment, thanks Yvonne I.

  3. God bless you so much! I have bookmarked you!!

  4. very informative post. me like. awesome post!

  5. crazysobergirl // November 8, 2016 at 7:05 pm //

    Great post! Very informative!

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