
A Call To Action – Get Up! Pick Up Your Bed And Walk

I remember the very first time I heard the phrase, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk,” it was at a church service. It was right after I became a Christian. My understanding of it was so limited that I associated the command to be in the literal sense of picking up an actual bed and walking with it. 🙂 Now if you laughed, that’s cool because I am laughing at myself now too! 🙂

Now that I am older [matured in the faith] I realize it’s a figure of speech that mean different things to each one of us, depending on where we are in terms of our spiritual life or the situation or challenge that we are currently faced with.


By the recalls of the synoptic gospel of John chapter 5: 1-9, the story is recorded that in the city of Jerusalem, there was a pool called Bethesda. Here a great number of people used to lie – [the blind, lame, paralyzed] These are mentioned most because being the least able to help themselves, they would lie the closest and wait the longest time at the pool.

At a specific season an angel came and “troubled” the water, thereby stirring it to release all of its miraculous healing virtue [power] so that many were healed.

There was however, a particular man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight. The bible says when Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in that condition for that great length of time, He asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” (John 5:6-8 NIV)


This story brings a sad reminder of the current state of the world we live in – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When it is narrowed down to our personal lives, rather than taking responsibility for ourselves and the role we must play in bringing about the desired change/s in our lives, like the man in the story did, we are quick to blame others.

We make dumb excuses. We look to others for handouts and for them to attend to our needs.

I do believe that if we are really honest with ourselves, all of us, whatever difficulty we are faced with, individually or corporately, we genuinely desire change – healing for the sick, a better paying job, promotion, bills/mortgage paid off, deliverance from poverty and lack of finances, addiction to pornography, drugs and alcohol, depression, domestic abuse and violence, terrorism and crime, senseless murders, just to mention a few.

No doubt, when Jesus comes to us with the same question, “Do you want to get well?” our first reaction or response would be a resounding, “YES!” Later on however when we realize that there is a process and a cost to being made whole we are not quick to respond.

To make matters worst, we remember why we had the mat/bed in the first place so we roll it back out and go back to lay down and nurse wounds of the past, disappointment and hurts, while some too overwhelmed with the challenges, fall off to sleep wallowing in self pity.

My Testimony

In 2011 just before I started this blog, I became very discouraged [again] in the work of the ministry [rejection, disappointments, church hurt…] and I left the church and went to my bed. That was a huge blow for me. I was heart broken, more like, devastated! God had spoken to me and revealed many things He planned for my life and when they didn’t happen in the time I thought, I dropped everything and wanted nothing to do with the church or ministry. What made it worst for me was that I resisted the process of Him molding me into ministry and Him cultivating my gifts and talents. I did not want anything to do with the process. I thought it was just too painful. But then in January 2012, I gave birth to this blog.

The journey of life is not always going to be easy. There are potholes, speed bumps, mountains and hurdles to get over, valleys to go through and detours you would end up having to take. But the decision should never be one where we stop walking.


The call to action means having faith and trust in God and getting rid of every dead weight and hindrances that are besetting us and preventing us from walking and embracing God’s gifts and callings for us.

  1. Inwardly die to self – outwardly the mat would always tempt us as the easiest thing to do but inwardly, we must die to self. What God has called us to is far bigger and greater than what we can handle. We must trust God to work out His plan.
  2. Get rid of your excuses – if God called you to it, trust Him to bring you through it. He will equip you and give you the strength you need to get the job done.
  3. Never get yourself bogged down with religion and tradition. Eventually they become strongholds that’s even harder to get rid of. Have faith in God.
  4. Leave behind old perceptions and deceptions. The enemy would rather not see the plan of God fulfilled in your life.
  5. Get rid of habits and attitudes that are self-serving and is out of alignment with the will and plan of God.
  6. Disconnect from your old passe’ [tribe], your old culture, and even family members so that you push for what you believe [values and morals]
  7. Get up and do something productive that will allow you to put your gifts and talents to good use.

It is my prayer that this message of faith and hope have inspired you to have a different outlook on life. Let us help our brothers and sisters to wake up, pick up, and walk!

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About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

34 Comments on A Call To Action – Get Up! Pick Up Your Bed And Walk

  1. Camaline Nathaniel // January 6, 2018 at 3:58 pm //

    This was an on time word for even today. It encouraged me and I am inspired to get up and do what God has called me to do. I love God word it never changes, lose it’s power and it will neve fails.

  2. Jesus said ” take up your bed/mat and walk”, to me personally the bed/mat reminds us where we have come from in the past and Jesus does not want us to forget that so He tells us “pick up”(action) and sin no more(obedience). Do not make the same mistakes again or you gonna lie down on that very same bed/mat. Do not forget the One who healed you, be thankful and do not let Him slip away in the crowd.
    Thank you my dear sister in the Lord. I am inspired by your love for us all. God bless you as you preach/teach/encourage and fill us with God’s anointed word….Shirley Naidoo, South Africa

  3. Jaya Anand V // November 19, 2017 at 11:18 pm //

    My pastor Joseph Prince expounded on thr Bethesda incident where Jesus commanded the infirm man to pick up his bed and walk.
    Yr testimoney provided me a better and clearer understanding of the interpretation and analogy.
    I am a new Christian of 3 months plus and always on the look out for good reources to strengthen my faith and understanding.

  4. sherneneshuntele // April 23, 2017 at 5:41 pm //

    Thank you powerful testimony

    • Thank you. Blessings! 🙂

      • I love it!!This morning God told me to “pick up your bags and walk” and sent me to read the scripture, not in my Bible, on the internet, He wanted me to see your post. I am an encourager, giver, prophetic, lover of people, its how he made me. I asked God yesterday, where’s my encouragement? Thank you for this uplifting gift. Bless you, Grace peace and wholeness.❤❤❤

    • Linda Gardner // July 24, 2017 at 1:20 pm //

      Thank you! God has lead me to start Lindy’s Lessons and Prayer Tips. First phase of LPT Ministries (started a few months ago) is short videos on prayer (me talking) posted on Facebook and YouTube. I have been under attack or just in the process, but NOT confident. This morning as I prepare a message on John 5:1-18 I found your blog and God spike straight to my heart! Thank you, them you, thank you. Just what I needed to keep being obedient. Blessings to you!!!

      • Thanks Yvonne! Wow…I so need to hear this,right now in my life! You cover so many basis…In your article!Thank you for being “real”.I think many people can relate to what you wrote.Sometimes..It just seems,we don’t know as a “people”..How to share our struggles and weaknesses,or are afraid to.But the reality is we all have valleys and mountains…And your right…It’s working through the valley stuff,that free us to climb the mountains.Learning to trust God in the hardest times in our lives.Takes work…Lol!God help us! Have a great day sister!😊

      • Amen and amen! We bless God for His goodness, grace and mercy towards us. Cheers! 🙂

  5. Julia Williams // April 11, 2017 at 7:33 pm //

    Thank you so very much for your encouragement I’m at the point of my life I’m feeling the same way, I remember having a dream about taking up my bed walking, really didn’t pay attention till today I walk away from church, tradition, but there was 2men that help me actually I was struggling with my bed and they help me I could see a airplane and my present pastor/nephew, it was like he dropped me but THESE 2men HELP me. Reading this today helped me, I’m literally fighting for my life, spiritually, physically, mentally, I just can’t give up, THANK YOU for your testimony my journey has been a bumpy road but I’m still here, been at DEATH door to many times, my passion is to get the men BACK in the Homes. **Julia**

    • Hi Julia,

      Thank you for visiting and for sharing your testimony with us. I am happy that the article was a source of inspiration and encouragement to you. I know it is a lot harder to open up and share with others when things still have not worked itself out as yet but thanks be to God for by grace are you saved through faith in God. All things work together for good to them that love God and I believe that it will work out for you where you can be in a much better place spiritually, physically and mentally.

      Have a great day. God bless you 🙂

  6. Denis Kiima // December 22, 2016 at 6:22 pm //

    I am from East Africa and what I have been exposed to is a lot of thinking that somebody should help get me out of poverty. Some rich person or visa to a country in the west should fix my situation. And so many like me live life waiting for that big day as a result we never really exert ourselves and take responsibility for our lives. I am in a journey to change that kind of thinking in myself, in those I love and youth in my country. My devotion this morning was on John 5:1-14 as I researched more the meaning of these scriptures I came across this blog. Thank you for sharing!!!

  7. mary jenkins // October 29, 2016 at 3:56 pm //

    As a part of my devotion today;the expansion of the scripture John 5:8 through your personal experience
    Blessed me. Thanks

    • Hi Mary

      So nice of you to visit my blog and giving feedback. Thanks and I welcome you 🙂 God is absolutely amazing that through this message, you were able to receive a blessing.

      Have a great day/week. Cheers!

  8. God bless you so much for this inspiring and insightful piece. I was studying this portion this morning and decided to check online for in depth knowledge. This my dear Yvonne was the right fit.

    • Hi Tosin

      Welcome to my virtual space here in blogosphere. Thanks for your feedback. I am so excited to hear that this post was of help to you as you study the word of God. God bless you. Cheers! 🙂

  9. chidozie Ezike // August 5, 2016 at 5:07 am //

    Thank u my dear sist in Christ
    I am blessed.

  10. Thanks ma! This is just the word i need now. Thanks

  11. After watching a YouTube video from – she was giving a motivational speech on Confidence and Positive Declarations – the message of ‘Stand Up, Pick Up My Bed & Walk’ really hit home. This morning during my quiet time, the scripture came upon me again. Googling it and came across your blog. Read it completely and here I am writing to you this beautiful moment – extending my appreciation for creating this blog. GOD IS AN AMAZING GOD and without HIM we are NOTHING! 🙂

    • Hi Tara,

      Welcome to my blog. 🙂 God is truly amazing. He lead us into green pastures and beside still waters. It is His word that brings restoration to each and every soul. I am blessed hearing that your search led you to my blog. For that we give God all the glory.God bless you. Continue to be encouraged. Cheers!

  12. Preston // March 4, 2016 at 9:50 am //

    Hi Yvonne
    Last Sunday at church our Pastor preach this message Take up your mat and walk, it time to stop sitting and rise up. Sometime click in you when that moment came to rise up and i know it’s a process but mental transition has to take place. To humble ourselves and take responsibility of what my God has called us to do. There are many things on my mat. What are some key things that you did when you recognize the things that are holding you back.

    • Hi Preston

      Thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome! I appreciate you sharing this with us and I know it will bless someone. I agree it’s the mental transition that has to take place. It’s a process that man must be willing to go through for change and transformation to take place. God is calling His people to a much higher place than we have ever been. It’s about learning to let go so that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you

  13. Augustina Matlosa // January 8, 2016 at 10:40 am //

    A call for action – true. One day I came across the scripture : jesus said to him, Get up, pick up your mat, and walk. i was shocked, I realised that This time is talking to me, because I was the one reading. I discoverd that the door has been open for a long time, I didnt know because it was closed for as long as I remember. We have been healed for a long time, been set free and delivered for a long time, we just have to change our thinking to the standard of God as the bible says in Romans 12 : 2. That is why Jesus told this man to pick up his mat because he didnt know that he is healed, he didnt know that he can stand up. So I pray that God can help everyone to discover God’s purpose about One ‘ s life.
    I thank you for this blog it helped me to see that preaching is not only on the pulpit or church. The pulpit is everywhere. Thank you.

    • Hello Augustina

      I am so glad to see you here. Welcome to my blog! Yes, God have different ways of speaking to us in our situation and to bring us hope for the future, to let us know that He is right there with us and to show us the way.

      It is true also that a door could be closed on us for so long that even after it opens, we still do not realize it. But thank God for the spirit of discernment that helps us to understand and know our times and seasons to get up and to walk uprightly in them.

      God bless you. Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Chiquita Press // November 28, 2015 at 1:46 pm //

    Thank you , this has encouraged me to take action , rise up and take my bed up and walk towards destiny and fulfill God’s purpose . I was just diagnosed with depression and prescribed medication a few days ago . I am going to trust God for healing and wholeness without taking the meds. I am where you were and have conceived to write a book and start a blog . My desire has been for others to be made whole and walk in the freedom in which Christ provides. Again thanks for this has ministered to me in this darkest pit I find myself in .

    • Hi Chiquita

      Welcome to my blog. I am so glad that you enjoyed this post and that it ministered strength to you and that it was a motivator to press forward into doing the things that God has called you to do. You are so right – trust God and allow Him to bring about healing and wholeness. His promise is for you to have life and have it more abundantly. Be encouraged. Our God is well able to do exceeding, abundantly above and beyond that which you could ever ask or think.

      God bless you. Have a great weekend.

  15. A. Darling // August 3, 2015 at 6:07 pm //

    Hi, I came across your blog as I was researching what it meant to “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” I am at that place you once were. I was called to be a doctor (D.O.) for the Lord, and the whole process has overwhelmed me. Along with the toxic mixture of fear and laziness, I found myself literally laying in bed all day and just feeding depression with temporary means. I developed an ache for self expression because I was losing myself. I guess I’m at that point now, where I need to redefine/know myself again. I know that we all desire to know and truly be known in return, and if I am to live my purpose for the purpose of the Lord (as I claim), then the person for me to know is God. I started with the Book of John which revealed a deeper understanding of the familiar stories of the Woman of Samaria and the Healing at the Pool. Anyway, thank you for sharing your testimony. It acted as validation, confirmation, and affirmation.

    • Hi A. Darling

      Welcome to my blog and thanks for your participation by this comment. I believe it is common for many of us to respond to the calling of God with some degree of fear. That’s because it is all new and we do not know what is ahead for us or what to expect. But God will not call us and not equip us with what to need to get the job accomplished.

      You have started at a very good place through the reading of the book of John. It is there you will gain a much better understanding into the work of the Lord Jesus and where you will gain deeper insight, revelation and more confirmation. I encourage you to continue to place all your trust in God and allow Him to take full control of everything including your purpose and the process that you must go through in order to fulfill God’s plan.

      God bless you. Have a great day/week.

  16. Thank u very much paster may God continue to use u, I’m blessed

    • Cree HUNSAKER // January 20, 2017 at 11:48 am //

      Thank you so much for this blog I needed this message it has been very beneficial to me. I sure appreciate you keeping up and doing what you were made to do for because of your faithfulness I have read and understood what it is for me to do. God bless you and yours. I love you with all my love from above.

  17. Great points for us to keep in mind. We must indeed die to self. We are living in crucial times. We truly need to take up our bed AND WALK. Great post.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. To Truly be Known: Love/Get Up, Take your Bed, and Walk | All my Love, Darling Anahata
  2. Walk By Faith and Not By Your Emotions – Empowerment Moments Blog

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