
10 Amazing Facts About Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

“Gratitude is our ability to see the grace of God, morning by morning, no matter what else greets us in the course of the day.” ~ Craig Barnes


Thank you. Be grateful because it brings greatness to you. Give thanks for everything. Many of us were taught these things from early childhood days. And even though we are all grown up, we practice them still because it is the right thing to do, though we fall short at times.

So what if on the days that we fell short of giving thanks, we wake up the following morning with only the things we remembered to thank God for the day before? That’s sounds scary, right? Yes it does.

I’m not here to scare you though. The main highlight of today’s post is to share with you 10 amazing facts about gratitude that hopefully will change your life and to get you thinking differently about it.

1. Gratitude is our ability to see grace in action everyday

How often do we forget that we have the privilege of living in God’s creative architectural framework of life? We live, breathe and have our being through Him.

All that we have and ever hope to be is through His grace, favor and mercy towards us. Often times we fail to measure up to His established standards, yet through His merciful kindness, we are recipients of such amazing grace.

A powerful reminder of such grace in action is through the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NIV) which says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; v9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 

We survive the storms of life not by our own strength or power but because of this all-surpassing power that comes to us from God through His grace.

Amazing facts about gratitude that will change your life quote-yiw

2. Gratitude is the real treasure God wants us to find

The thought of gratitude being described as a real treasure to find is exceptional! There is a reason that He says in everything we are to give thanks, even when we are at our worst and is having a hard day.

You would not expect to find a gold mine at the end of the rainbow but just looking at the colors in it your day is already all the fairer and brighter. There is hope for a brighter day when there is gratitude in our heart, our thoughts and the words that we speak.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) it says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

3. Thanks is the highest form of our thought 

Think gratitude, you write it down. Speak gratitude and you live it. That is the powerful effect it has on the brain.

According to Dr. P. Murali Doraiswamy, head of the division of biologic psychology at Duke University Medical Center, “If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world’s best-selling product with a health maintenance indication for every organ system.”

He believes that while the act of being thankful is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and treatment, Doraiswamy said it is certainly a strategy that can be used to enhance wellness.

Thankfulness is said to be linked to positive changes in the body and brain, hence I believe the reason why it’s the highest form of thought anyone could ever have.

Amazing facts about gratitude that will change your life quote yiw

4. The more you count your blessings and be thankful for them, the more you will net in profits (surplus)

Based on research this is a proven fact that the more you count your blessings and express thanks for them, the more you will witness increase in your blessings. Be appreciative of the ones through whom the blessing came. Make every blessing count no matter how small it may seem.

In the process of doing so, avoid being excessively concerned with the acquisition of wealth and material possessions which you have accumulated, but  rather give your undivided attention to spiritual, intellectual or cultural values.

Research has shown that people who are materialistic have low levels of life satisfaction and well-being, hence they lack gratitude.

5. By acknowledging the good you already have, you are building a strong foundation for abundance

You must constantly remind yourself that what you already have is pretty awesome. By giving thanks and showing appreciation to the giver of that good gift, you are laying blocks to a solid foundation packed with greatness and abundance.

Gratitude has the ability to transform a simple ordinary day into a harvest of thanksgiving. A routine day’s job can be turned into one of joy and an ordinary opportunity can turn out to be your greatest blessings.

Building this type of foundation can reap a lifetime of reward. See it as the currency with having no limits to what amount you can spend

10 Amazing Facts About Gratitude-That-Will Change Your Life

6. When life gets sour, the best sweetener for it is gratitude

Let’s face it, life can be hard! The truth is it’s not always going to be pretty with a bed of roses to sleep on! So when life hits you with sour, smack sour out of life with your best vocal expression of gratitude.

According to leading gratitude researcher and psychologist Robert A. Emmons, of the University of California, Davis, a good way to increase your feelings of gratitude is to embrace the setbacks you experience in life.

In a study conducted by Emmons and another well-known psychologist Michael E. McCullough in 2003, showed there were better results with the group that counted their blessings versus those who dwelt on their burdens.

By all means be grateful for every trial that comes your way as these are what makes us stronger and promotes growth in our lives. We are made better and not bitter by staying focused and keeping a positive attitude.

Gratitude is definitely the key to a happier life.

Amazing facts about gratitude that will chane your life_yiw

7. Gratitude increases optimism and totally removes pessimism

Learning the art of gratitude and applying that healthy habit is not that easy for everyone. But having a mindfulness about gratitude each day will definitely allow for optimism to increase by you giving thanks every time a negative thought pops up in your mind.

After a while everything comes naturally and you are at peace with yourself and whatever comes your way.

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” ~ Charles Dickens

8. Gratitude is the coping mechanism that allows you to be in the present and stay in your vibration

Life can be chaotic and filled with uncertainties at times but rather than dwelling on those things or even your past thinking about all that didn’t go right for you, dwell on gratitude and see yourself flowing in the present and in your positive vibration.

People can be mean and nasty. However you must never let the negativity or the harm that others may do to you cause you to become angry, bitter or unforgiving. What you do instead is give thanks, and turn the other cheek. Give them your best smile or even a hug.

It was Abraham Hicks who once said, “Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience.” He further said, “A million people could be pushing against you, and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back, They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction – but it does not affect you unless you push against them.”

So don’t sweat the small stuff! Give thanks because with every tick of the clock, life is changing and so will your blessings that will likely change along with it. Appreciate all that you have and enjoy them now and in the present.

9. There’s a far greater blessing for being thankful for your haters than there is always being thankful for family and friends

Far too often in our prayers in our request for blessings to be invoked and even in our giving back, we focus on our family and friends forgetting one simple biblical principle that tells us to bless our enemies and to pray for those who spitefully use us and say all manner of evil about us falsely.

There is no doubt that you need those very people who can’t stand you in their life. They are the key to getting you to your next level in life. The thing is the more they hate on you, bless them in return and thank God for them then see how much God is ready and willing to bless you in their midst.

The Psalmist David knew that better than anyone else when he wrote, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup [of blessings] overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” ~ Psalm 23: 5-6

Related post: Gratitude Begins Where The Feeling of Entitlement Ends

10. A mind focused daily on gratitude sees significance in everything and takes nothing for granted

What makes the difference between a privilege and entitlement is gratitude. None of us are entitled. The idea is to practice humility alongside gratitude and remember that whatever we have, or the opportunities that present themselves to us are considered privileges.

Take no circumstances for granted. Count them all as significant even if at first you do not get the full understanding of what it is all about.

The people whose lives connect with yours are just as important. According to this Wall Street Journal article it shows that thanking even the persons [employees] who work for you can make you a better leader. The truth is you never know – the person you took for granted and did not show your appreciation or even said thank you to, might be the very one that you need tomorrow.


Think about your life right now and picture yourself how blessed you really are. Consider yourself fortunate. Give thanks for all the blessings.

As my elders used to sing, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise what the Lord has done.”

I pledge to live my life each day by maintaining an attitude of gratitude and oust the attitude. My prayer is that you join me in this cause.

Here are my questions to you:

How has gratitude affected your life? What are some of the things that you are most grateful for today?

Partner with us today! 

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Thank you for always showing your love and support. I truly appreciate you!

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About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

23 Comments on 10 Amazing Facts About Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

  1. This is really good Yvonne,
    Giving thanks is what everyone of us has to be doing often no matter what circumstance we found ourself.

    Even when the going gets tough, there will always be a reason to be happy and appreciate God. If you can calm down and count your blessing naming them one by one, you’ll indeed find so many reasons why you should be grateful to God.

    We are all living in a trouble world and everyone has a problem but that not withstanding, giving thanks will open more doors for you.

    There is a saying that if you thank someone that did a good thing for you, he will be motivated to do more.

  2. Hi Yvonne,

    WOW. These are a lot to take in and made me realize so much about how we are blessed for being here. Sometimes we overlook that. So thanks for this wonderful reminder.

    I have recently wrote about 101 things I think we can all be thankful for. It was an attempt to make myself realize though I don’t have some things I am asking for, I have the things I need and that’s all that matters.

    Loving your blog and its message.

    Will visit for my daily dose of inspiration.

    Thanks a lot!


    • Hi Luna

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. I really appreciate it.

      Truly we are blessed beyond our wildest imagination – it’s about the little things that ever so often we take them for granted. Some look for the gigantic things to consider themselves blessed at which time they offer up thanks but then when they take the time and look around them, they soon realize that everything they would need is right there in place.

      Thanks for conveying that message, “though I don’t have some things I am asking for, I have the things I need and that’s all that matters.” Powerful!

      It was a pleasure having you here. Have a great week. 🙂

  3. I will always remain greatful to God. The fact that i can breath today is not that i am tall, nor handsome nor too precious to God but by his grace. People that are even mire spiritual than myself have died hurribly but here i am with my hands able to type this. It is good to show gratitude. Check my facebook timeline “bamisepeters Ak” i say thank you God first thing every morning of every blessed day. It has helped me thus far.

    • HI bamisepeters

      Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by and commenting. Surely we are to be grateful every waking moment and give thanks to God for His grace to sustain us, protect us, provide for us and for His forgiveness and so much more. Above all we are to be most grateful for our spared lives.

      Have a wonderful day.

  4. Hey Yvonne,

    Another great post. For a couple of years I could not be grateful for anything. When I heard the word, I would automatically ignore it or put it aside. I don’t know when that changed but I am certainly glad it did. It is not that I wake up with gratitude, but I wake up and start doing what I love and this gives me such a profound sense of achieving and doing something for the greater good. I don’t instantly think of what I have not got, but get busy with what I truly enjoy.

    Yesterday was an amazing day even though it was nothing different from any other day. I managed to find a solution to a problem that had been lingering for some time. I could not believe the difference in my breathing, the stress left my body and I automatically went back to planning for the future. I was not aware of how stuck I felt until it was over. So today reading your post, I have gratitude that I did not give up when I hit a wall, it was a great lesson that I will keep in the present and take into the future. Yes today and yesterday I certainly have gratitude even when I was not aware of it.

    And I will hold onto your number 5 point, by acknowledging the good you already have, you are building a strong foundation for abundance. Thank you.


    • Well said Rachel. Just by reading your comment I can tell how relieved you are that you finally got the solution to the problem. By not giving up, you can be grateful for your level of determination and perseverance.

      I can so relate to you when you said for years you could not be grateful for anything. That is true for me in the sense that with all the hell and the mess that I was going through, it never dawned on me that I should give thanks for those things. It was not until some years later that I learned that in everything we give thanks.So no doubt I prolonged my suffering by not giving thanks. 🙂

      So yes, saying thank you, being grateful and appreciative makes a whole lot of difference in our lives.

      Thank you so much Rachel. It was certainly a pleasure interacting with you. Have a great day.

  5. Hi Yvonne

    I must say that you have written so much on Gratitude and this is something to really think about. I love the facts you share about Gratitude as they are spot on.

    As you have so brilliantly highlighted, without Gratitude, I believe that the world will be in chaos. It is gratitude that makes us remember the grace that we have received. Gratitude gives one joy and does help to overcome challenges.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed week.

    • Hey Ikechi,

      Glad to see you again my friend. I am delighted each time you stop by. Your comment is well appreciated.

      Gratitude has become like a second nature to me and I will make it a focal point or more like a cause. This is the awareness that is so badly needed in the world today. The little things that our parents taught us, many seem to have forgotten to be kind and appreciative of each other and to say the please, thank you etc

      For those of us who live by the principles surrounding gratitude, let us continue to make a difference in the world who I believe will eventually see that light and be guided to do the same. Have a great day and enjoy the rest of the week also.

  6. Hello Yvonne,

    Actually, gratitude is like a blood flow to drive one’s or your own mood into happy moments. A little bit of refreshing words can truly change the mood of anyone’s, instantly.

    Why not think about what you have and leave thinking about what you don’t have. Getting up in the morning is the biggest thing while many don’t and this is the time to be grateful of GOD.

    Not only in family but in your workplace, boss’ appreciative words, yours to your colleges can spark a change in mood and everyone can greatly focus on their lists.

    I always push for being grateful of GOD, my family and the great people I work with on daily basis. After all, it is the life we have to spend by having people in touch with us. Being occupied with harsh mood can not only run away other people from you but also will effect on your mental and physical health.

    Gratitude is the happiness-sharing.

    Thanks for the wonderful post, Yvonne!

    ~ Adeel

    • Hi Adeel

      Well I could not have said it any better. Thanks for such an awesome comment that has added more value to the post.

      People really should not be thinking about the things that they do not have because after all, what good does worrying about it do to them. It surely will not add any value or years to their life by doing so. As a matter of fact, the stress that comes with their worrying can make them sick or even kill them.

      Continue to stay on the right track and keep pushing for expressing and being grateful to God, your family and all the wonderful people you work with. Your reward will be exceedingly great! There is definitely a strong link between gratitude and ones happiness.

      Have a great day Adeel. It’s always good to see you. Cheers! 🙂

  7. Hello Yvonne,

    I so agree with the topic of this post.

    I wish more people would be grateful for just having another day on this earth. If they started each day like that and knew just how much they have to be thankful for then they would see how things can start to change for them in their own lives.

    I start my day going down my gratitude list and it’s a long one. I think we all probably have stories to share about losing loved ones at an early age or having a really rough life. These things can happen to the best of us but when you appreciate everything little thing that you do have and think about just how bad it really could be then how can you not be grateful.

    This is a wonderful message and thank you for sharing it with us Yvonne. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and I’ll be sure to share your message as well.


    • Hi Adrienne

      I am so grateful to you that you would take time to stop by and share with us. I value your presence here.

      I totally agree that more persons need to be grateful for having another day and then see what a difference that would make. We go to bed at nights and the truth is no one knows whether or not he/she will wake up the next day. That ought to raise a level of awareness that push us to our knees each day to say thank you to the Creator and giver of life.

      I am impressed that you start each day with your gratitude list. That’s a great idea and I am sure it is getting longer each day as more things always come our way to give thanks for.

      Yes true that we all have stories about losing loved ones at early age or had some rough times. But when we take a look back at where we came from and to see the progress we have made today in life, it is enough to bring us to tears. Occasions like this stir us up to gratitude and thanksgiving.

      Life would always have its ups and downs but what makes it so beautiful is crossing paths and connecting with wonderful persons such as yourself who is so caring, generous and giving. Gratitude is about giving and it is all inclusive.

      Thank you so much fr reading my blog Adrienne. It’s mid week already. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week,. Cheers! 🙂

  8. I was loving every bit of your article. First of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart on coming up with this wonderful post.

    I have realized one important thing in life: We must appreciate every moment in life. It doesn’t matter whether those things are big or small. We must be thankful for tiny things.

    After waking up, I always thank the entire universe for providing another day. I love to be the reason behind somebody’s smiling face. By doing this act, I feel more energized. There is so much power in doing the act of kindness, isn’t?

    “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes” – I am love with this line.

    Thanks again for sharing these wonderful points. I am thankful for having a friend like you. Lots and lots of love, buddy

    • Hi Yatin

      I am super excited to hear you loved the post! I am also appreciating this moment because it confirms to me there are no mistakes in life and no such thing as coincidence. That brings me to saying that I am appreciative and grateful for having a friend like you. You are very supportive and encouraging by what you share in your posts and for that I say thank you.

      The vibrations we feel in the universe, the fact that we trust the Creator to wake us up each day, everything that is created whether visible or invisible, our limitations or challenges – we must give thanks for all these things and more and never take anything for granted.

      A smile is priceless and it’s amazing how that smile can make a huge difference in another person’s life. Sometimes that is all they need from us. So keep that smile rocking buddy!

      I am glad you stopped by. Thank you! 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the week.

  9. Awesome topic Yvonne Ma,am– I agree with you all points. Gratitude is an amazing emotion that can lead to a lot “more” in your life. happiness as you point out, I also believe that is helps reduce stress. When you are spending your time in gratitude for what you have, rather than worrying about what you should you, your life is much less stressful.
    Well Right now i am grateful for everyone who is connected with my life.
    We should be always thankful to God for all the things blessed on us.
    Thank you GOD!
    Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hi Saurabh

      So nice to be interacting with you once again. I am also glad for our connection and I am grateful to you for your continued support. It’s encouraging to me.

      I like that you refer to gratitude as an amazing emotion. Just imagine if we had to replace our sometimes not so good emotions with gratitude how much more advanced in life we would be.

      Absolutely, I agree that gratitude is a stress buster! It helps us to remain in a place of bliss and happiness. There is so much to thank God for. We cannot afford to take Him or what He blessed us with for granted. May He bless you bountifully with favor and the richness of His grace.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this topic. Have a great day/week.

  10. Hello Yvonne,

    I am always happy whenever I am notified that you have hit the ‘publish’ button once again.

    This post is just too good. Gratitude is a habit that has helped me through a lot of situations in life. My attitude towards gratitude took a positive plunge after I read ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Bryne.

    That book is too good.

    With respect to your question about how gratitude has changed my life, let me refer to a few sentences you made before I share my story.

    “In a study conducted by Emmons and another well-known psychologist Michael E. McCullough in 2003, showed there were better results with the group that counted their blessings versus those who dwelt on their burdens.”

    I can tell you that Emmons is absolutely right.

    And here’s why. A few years ago, while I was still in the university an incident took place that made me realize the true power of gratitude. I was a 4th year chemical engineering student and I was supposed to go for my Industrial Training. I t was supposed to last for 6 months, starting from March.

    By the end of March, I still hadn’t found a place for my IT. I got broke at the same time, and started getting depressed. lots of my classmates had started work, but I was still in school, alone, and withdrawn. My lack of money also made it impossible for me to scout for more places with IT vacancies. I looked like I had come to the end of the road.

    One sunday morning however, just before service, I remembered the song you referred to. (Count your blessings name them one by one).

    Strangely, I decided to practice what I sang. I got a sheet of paper and started writing down all the things in my life which I considered blessings. Guess what? I had about 43.

    By the time I was through reading what I wrote, a smile formed on my lips. From depression, I became excited immediately. I went to church in lifted spirits, and things started changing.

    It is not as if counting my blessing made things change, but it put me in a positive, excited, optimistic and better frame of mind. With that frame of mind, I had a better disposition towards people, and also towards my goal of getting an IT placement.

    Guess what? The following week, I paid the highest Tithe I had ever paid in my life prior to that time. It was like a dream. Two weeks later, I got accepted to do my IT in a chemical Industry in a neighbouring state. So yes, gratitude rocks.

    Jeez! That was very long…haha. I couldn’t help sharing. Your note triggered pleasant memories for me.

    Thanks for writing this Yvonne.

    • Hi Toby

      Thank you for stopping by and joining in the discussion and releasing your thoughts. Your comment ROCKS! I appreciate you so much sharing your personal story and how your attitude and disposition changed in that very moment.

      One, it was your attitude that made the difference in your life. And two, the moment you began to acknowledge all the things you had that you needed to appreciate and say thank you for, that became the key to unlock closed doors for your blessings to come tumbling out to you, WOW! Someone will read your testimony one day and they too will overcome.

      I need to check out that book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. It has to be gooder than good! Lol! 🙂 Don’t mind me saying it like that Toby – just one of our local slang when we consider something to be extraordinary. But yes, while I was doing my research to write this post, there was another mention of this book by a young woman who said how much that book had helped her.

      That is how we overcome, by the words of our testimony. And iron sharpens iron.

      Thank you and I am super elated to hear how much this post helped you and even triggered pleasant memories.

      Again according to Dr. P. Murali Doraiswamy“If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world’s best-selling product with a health maintenance indication for every organ system.”

      Thank you! Have a great day/week. Bountiful blessings upon you! 🙂

  11. Dear Yvonne,

    You had my attention from start to finish with this wonderful post. Every single point is apt to today’s world where many of us take for granted all that we have. We have a tendency to focus on what we do not have instead of the other way round.

    I never read the Bible but lately I have been hearing people quoting the Bible and I can see how so many verses in there are practical and could be used in daily life.

    I can relate so much to #8. I’ve been through many rough patches in my earlier years especially as a teenager. I’ve been hurt by people I called my own. That made me sour and pushed me to be ungrateful for what I had. When I got married, it dawned on me that, my past hurts were only making me stronger. I have learned to move past those times and I am now grateful with every passing day. I even have a gratitude jar where I write whatever I am grateful for on a daily basis. This helps me focus on the positive side of things:)

    Right now I am grateful for my husband’s support. I am grateful for a wonderful person whose helping me give my blog a makeover. I am grateful for the wonderful people in my life:) I could go on but I guess I’d say I am grateful for everything in my life.

    Thank you for a great post Yvonne. This post deserves plenty of shares:)
    Take care
    Wish you a wonderful week:)

    • Hi Hema

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a valuable comment. I am grateful and feel so blessed just to hear you say how much the post kept your attention from start to finish. I pledged since about 2013 not to ever take gratitude, saying thank you, and appreciating people and the good things in life for granted. Even when it is not so good or it’s bad, that too have its place.

      Circumstances, tests and trials come our way ever so often because they are useful in helping us to grow, develop and to mature in life. So gladly we rejoice and give thanks that we were made to go through those experiences [even with our own family and closest friends] We can always look back and say thank you that I went through that or that person hurt me. Therefore gratitude should awaken the spirit of forgiveness and to love each one in spite of.

      Having your husband by your side and him giving you that level of support is more than enough to be grateful for. I love that!

      Thank you Hema and I appreciate you very much. Thank you for your love and support always. Blessings in abundance. Have a fantastic day/week. Cheers! 🙂

  12. Hi Yvonne,

    This is an excellent post that cause me to meditate on what I’m grateful for. And I would have to put at the top of my list is my experience. God’s way isn’t always the same as our ways.

    He chose me when I was in my mother’s womb and had a plan for me. But I had a plan too and it caused me to become homeless, jobless and penniless.

    No matter what’s going on in my life when I look back and see where God’s grace has brought me, I feel an overflow of gratitude.

    I agree with Dr. P. Murali when he stated when we embrace the setbacks we experience in life everything we have in our life we become thankful by default. God opens our spiritual eyes and we began to notice blessing all around us.

    I love to watch squirrels chase each other because they always make me laugh and I’m grateful for that. :D:


    • Hi Vernon,

      I am so happy to see you here again, It’s like a breath of fresh air. And for that I am grateful. I am pleased to hear that you loved the post and that somehow it has hit home with you and caused you to reflect on the things that you are to be grateful for.

      We’ve all had some bad experience at some stage in our lives but like you mentioned we ought to be grateful to see where God’s grace has brought s from. Sometimes we can become a little comfy in our own skin and we fail to take into account all that He has already done for us. It’s easy to mimic society to want more rather than saying thanks for what we already have.

      Dr. Paul Morali’s point is solid and also resonated with me. I love the way how gratitude comes out by you watching squirrels chase each other. It’s one of those rare occasions where we get to see the results of God’s creative masterpiece and can say Thank you Lord.

      Well Vernon, it was nice having this dialogue with you. SO nice of you to have joined in the discussion and to share your thoughts. Have a blessed week.

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