
67 Timeless Positive Affirmations to Ignite Your Power

“Every thought we think is creating our future.” ~ Louise Hay

“You Can Heal Your Life” is a book written by Author, Louis Hay that landed on the New York Best Seller list in March 1988. According to Wikipedia, the key premise of the book is that because the mind and body are connected, illnesses of the body somehow have their root causes in emotional and spiritual aspects of the mind and its beliefs and thought processes.”

I find that to be extremely powerful. And as we look around us, we see the reality of it being manifested each day in the lives of people. Many souls are dying. People go on from day to day suffering in silence on the inside while they go on pretending that life is at its best and everything is just fine with them.

Many on the other hand can be seen as frustrated and openly miserable and are at a point of desperation seeking any help that they can get to bring them out of the pit they find themselves in.

It has been proven however that when we have positive thoughts, these are what will generate positive feelings and subsequently will attract positive life experiences. Affirmations are powerful and helps to channel your belief system into a positive frame of mind as you wholeheartedly embrace the words spoken through them.

Positive affirmations to ignite-your-power

Self-love affirmations

  1. I love and approve of myself without reservations
  2. I am exceptionally beautiful on the inside and outside
  3. I am worth far more than rubies and diamonds
  4. I live in love
  5. I am unique and very special
  6. I love my body
  7. I love my smile – it is contagious
  8. I love my mind – it is overflowing with thoughts of abundance
  9. I love who I am and what I do
  10. I am loved for who I am

Ignite your confidence

  1. I am naturally confident
  2. My confidence is increasing daily
  3. I am fearless today and always
  4. I take action today
  5. I am liberated from all fears of failure
  6. I am confident and determined
  7. I easily overcome any failures or setbacks
  8. I remain persistent and I push through setbacks
  9. I can easily overcome any of life’s hurdles
  10. I face anything that confronts me
  11. I am prepared for life
  12. Today I face my life head on
  13. I have all the will power I will ever need

Timeless Positive Affirmations to Ignite Your Power


  1. I create happiness in my life
  2. I relax and enjoy life
  3. I attract all good things
  4. I radiate positive energy
  5. I am a success story
  6. I create my own experiences and my life is filled with happiness
  7. I focus on the things and people that I love
  8. I choose joy
  9. I fill my mind with positive thoughts
  10. I get to choose how my day unfolds by what I think, say and do
  11. I ask, I believe and I receive


  1. I am looking forward to what’s coming today
  2. I set smart goals and I take action
  3. I focus on what matters
  4. I am a powerful person and I accomplish what I set out to do on a daily basis
  5. I am living my dream
  6. I am living my full potential
  7. I express my creativity


  1. I am thankful for today
  2. My day begins and ends with gratitude
  3. I am grateful for what I have
  4. I am generous with gratitude
  5. I am unselfish and liberal with my giving

Timeless-Positive Affirmations to Ignite Your Power

When You Feel Like Giving Up

  1. I refuse to give up and I will keep on trying
  2. I will explore every conceivable options that’s available to me
  3. I have come too far in life to give up now
  4. I believe in my path and my purpose and therefore I press on without wavering
  5. What awaits me at the end is far better than what I have been through

When Confronted With The Past

  1. I am liberated from my past
  2. The past has no power over me because it is irretrievably broken
  3. I fully embrace the rhythm of my heart which is in line with my future
  4. I take authority over every cycle of failure and replace them with success as I move forward
  5. I attract only good things in my life
  6. I trust my Creator to bring the right people and circumstances in my life at the right time

Don’t miss: 56 Affirmations to Lift You From the Rubbles of Your Past

When You Feel You Are Not Good Enough

  1. I am a good person and I am proud to be me
  2. It is okay to not be perfect
  3. I let go and cancel every lie I ever told myself
  4. I am making positive, healthy choices in my life
  5. I break the habit to criticize myself
  6. I embrace the mindset to praise and to encourage myself and others
  7. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I approve of myself
  8. I am gifted and talented with cutting edge ideas and strategies
  9. I find all the solutions I need within me
  10. I am valuable and is fulfilling my purpose in life

Your turn

Which of the above affirmations resonated with you the most? How do you handle thoughts that enter your mind that are not in alignment with your belief system?


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About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

6 Comments on 67 Timeless Positive Affirmations to Ignite Your Power

  1. Reblogged this on PEEVEESKNOLS and commented:
    Amazing Affirmations to Ignite Your Power!
    From the pages of Yvonne I Wilson’s EMB

  2. Reblogged this on ErikaBeyk and commented:
    Very helpful affirmations:)

  3. H Yvonne,
    those are really helpful affirmations.I know Luise Hay book a long time and it was one of the first books which made many people aware of the mind-body connection in that time.
    I had a young friend and she did write some of the affirmations and put them everywhere
    she could see them during the day. It helped her through a time full of trouble.
    Thank you for this post,it may help many.

    • Hi Erika:

      Welcome to my blog and thank you for leaving such a valuable comment. Thanks for sharing about your friend’s experience.

      Affirmations are powerful! I thought about the impact they can have on people’s lives who are consistent with them. An even greater difference would be made in the heart and mind of those who practice them with things like yoga and meditation.

      I also see a strong connection with the Law of Attraction (LoA) and mantras that are also extremely helpful. Mastering the mind and learning the art of crafting my words carefully so that they bring about fruits of love, joy, peace, happiness, abundance and so on to shape my present and my future is something that I am working on daily. The aim is towards perfect practice which ultimately makes perfect.

      Have a great weekend. Cheers! 🙂

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