
29 Awesome Ways In Which To Stay Creative

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The Creator of the universe breathed His Spirit of creativity into us so that by our thoughts and words, we have the power to successfully shape our lives and our world into its most beautiful form that anyone could ever imagine.

Creativity begins inside of each one of us. We were born to be that way. If you don’t think that you are, here are 29 awesome ways to be and to stay creative –

1. Make lists

Making lists is a positive, healthy habit. It gives you the opportunity to list your goals, values, vision and mission. Anything that you are likely to forget it is always good to make a list of them

2. Carry a notebook everywhere

A notebook ensures that you capture what your mind and that of others conceive, see, hear and do.

3. Try free writing

Writing is a great way to express your innermost thoughts and feelings and to help you to connect with others

4. Get away from the computer

It is always good to get away from the computer which allows you the downtime you need to regroup or recuperate from the hustles and bustles of life

5. Quit beating yourself up

Everyone makes mistakes in life, so stop beating up on yourself and just be yourself.

6. Take breaks

Taking breaks is one of the ways you can relieve stress and prevent burnout.

7. Sing in the shower

Singing in the shower is a great form of relaxation. Many great singers today have discovered their talents as a singer in this way

8. Drink coffee

Anything taken in moderation is good for you.

9. Listen to music

This is a great way to find inner strength, peace and relaxation of the mind. It is also a great way of relieving stress.

10. Be open

The more open we are, the more trustworthy we become. Openness also allows your mind to be at ease and to bring your imaginary thoughts to the forefront.

Read also: 10 Habits of Insanely Creative People

11. Surround yourself with creative people

The more you surround yourself with creative people, the creative you become – the idea of being creative is contagious!



12. Get feedback

Feedback helps to keep you on track. It gives you the opportunity to learn from others how well you are doing in comparison to your plans and goals and to take corrective measures quickly

13. Collaborate

Collaboration is a key successful factor for highly motivated and successful people.

14. Don’t give up

15. Practice, practice, practice

Practice brings you closer to perfection and mastering the art of doing things in an effective and efficient manner

16. Allow yourself to make mistakes

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from each one. Realize that no one is perfect and will never be no matter how hard one may try.

17. Go somewhere new

A change in our environment will allow us to explore, to be adventurous seek new ways of doing things. It awakens or creativity.

18. Count your blessings

No matter the circumstances in life, you are blessed. Realize also the more you give thanks, the more you see the blessings that must be counted.

19. Get lots of rest

Getting lots of rest is a wonderful way to revive our body, rejuvenate our lives, renew our spirit and to refresh our souls

20. Take risks

Creativity at its best involves taking risks and letting go of the certainties of life

21. Break the rules

Not all rules were made to be broken but there are some rules that can be broken that can actually save lives as opposed to it hurting a soul

22. Don’t force it

Everything takes time. It make no sense rushing. Simply exercise patience

23. Read a page of the dictionary

This is a great way to build your vocabulary,, to build your writing skills and to stay on top of things

24. Create a framework

A framework speaks to structure and organization

25. Stop trying to be someone else’s perfect

You are the best version of yourself and only you can fulfill the part of what you have been created to do in life

26. Got an idea? Write it down

Ideas are your most priceless and in-tangible assets. These become your reference point.

27. Clean your workplace

There are so many things that can be discovered when you take this bold step to clean your workplace

28. Have fun

Life is beautiful, and it was meant to be enjoyed. Have fun with it!

29. Finish something

Whatever you finish is your greatest accomplishment!



This powerful infographic was originally discovered here. Description of each creative ways is the work of EMB

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About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

8 Comments on 29 Awesome Ways In Which To Stay Creative

  1. Hi Yvonne,

    What a lovely infographic! I loved all your ways, yes they are helpful to stay more creative. Writing is very good option for everyone to write out your inner power. Some people don’t know how special they are. But writing can help them to know their speciality.


    • Hi Jyoti

      Welcome to my blog! I am happy to see you here and to know that you enjoyed the post and the infographic. I agree there is so much power in writing. I often compare it to the artist who reflects his thoughts and words through his painting. Same way the writer paints his soul in the form of writing.

      Thanks for your wonderful contribution and welcome you to stop by again soon. Cheers! 🙂

  2. Hi Yvonne!

    This was a really helpful post with lots of tips on how to stay creative. Sometimes we have so many duties that we forget to be creative, even it is so very important. And for some kind of work it should even be the main focus.

    Thanks for the reminder, Ilka

    • Hi ilka
      So glad you took the time out to stop by and to join in the discussion. Good to know that you found the post helpful and that it inspired you as well.

      We are living in times where it seems no matter how we try, we are constantly on fast forward trying to get work done that as you rightly said, we forget to be creative. I am so guilty of that 🙂
      It is good though to slow down, re-energize so that we can discover that unique gift of creativity that each one of us was born with.

      Have a blessed day and a great week ahead. Keep smiling 🙂

  3. Hi Yvonne,

    That was a lovely infographic post, perhaps the first one shared on this blog 🙂

    It surely does tell us various ways to stay creative, the best being to take it easy and that’s exactly when the real creative juices tend to flow, isn’t it? Thank goodness for the weekends, so we manage to get a break as well, or else we’d keep working round the clock, the workaholics we’ve become!

    I usually switch off for a few hours and do things out of the ordinary, and they are like a deliberate reminder for me to connect with other things than blogging…lol…I need to!

    Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂

    • Hi Harleena

      I am so happy for weekends for sure – it’s the only time that I am able to unwind, get the creative juices flowing again and even spend time with myself. I have a tendency to just work so hard during the week and seldom get time to do the things that I really want to do. 🙂 It is also when I get a little time to socialize on other blogs

      It’s all about finding creative ways to do things. Have a superb weekend! 🙂

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