
6 Healthy Habits Of Gratitude That Build Inner Peace

woman meditating to find inner peace (photo credit:

When you are experiencing moments of bliss in your life and everything is going just the way you anticipated it would be, it is easy for the virtue of gratitude to shine and be expressed through you.

That’s because your entire being [body, thoughts and consciousness] is in a state of peace and tranquility. Right? 🙂

But what happens when your external environment is a far cry from being peaceful, or you are in the middle of a crisis and turmoil is building up all around you?

What about when we are charged to become involved in activities that bring us pleasure and lighten our loads. It is very hard to express gratitude in those times of chaos and turmoil, don’t you think?

Not only do I believe it is hard, it is a time when you look for opportunities to cast blame on others for the misery that you are going through.

There is the tendency to feel afraid and to doubt but these choices of attitude only make matters worse and directly disturbs your inner peace even more.

GOOD TO READ: 7 Ways Gratitude Changed My Life [And Can Change Yours Too]

woman relaxing and peaceful

Woman relaxing and peaceful (photo credit:


Building Healthy Blocks Starts from the heart 

There are two very important thoughts to be mindful of that I want to share with you which show how gratitude is a building block for internal tranquility.

Give thanks in every situation for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. [1 Thessalonians 5:18]

Those with sounds thoughts you will keep in peace, in peace because they trust in you. [Isaiah 26:3 CEB]

Can you see the link between these two quotes?

Not only should we give thanks in the situation in which we find ourselves, it is better to gently embrace our emotions rather than resist them. Only then can we begin to feel more at ease within ourselves.

It is that simple act of loving kindness as we do our best to maintain positive thoughts that opens the door for us to experience true peace and inner freedom within ourselves.

Scientifically Proven Facts About Gratitude

Scientist Robert Emmons says, “Without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing and impoverished. Gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, opened and humbled through expressions of gratitude.”

In addition to that, science shows that gratitude causes

  • more energy
  • higher emotional intelligence
  • more forgiving attitudes
  • less depression
  • less anxiousness
  • more feelings of being socially connected
  • better sleep and
  • fewer headaches

Infographic on Good Gratitude 



More Healthy Gratitude Habits to Finding Inner Peace 

1. Be grateful each day for your life and breathe with awareness

We must breathe with awareness and give thanks to our Creator each day for giving us life and for allowing us to breathe consciously.

It is what allows us to stay in the present moment and to connect with the Divine and what is most important and far greater than ourselves. The positive energy allows a peacefulness beyond our comprehension to flow effortlessly through our body.

DID YOU KNOW?: Gratitude Attracts Respect

2. Think about 5 things every morning that you are grateful for

This is definitely a healthy habit that can do wonders in your life in the long run. Once you develop this habit and practice it daily, there is a wealth of peace in knowing that each of the five things you said thank you for holds value.

The practice of gratitude builds blocks so that the resultant mindset begins to generate optimism, hope and peace.

3. Don’t forget to thank the people who make a difference in your life each day

There are so many persons we can easily find to say thank you too on a daily basis that would truly promote inner peace and tranquility in our lives.

How about thanking the person who gave you a start in your career or someone who encourages you on a continual basis that you have only met online. Perhaps it is a friend who is always there, especially when you need them the most or even the ones who you know is doing a good job but feel under appreciated.

These are just a few suggestions but the thing is to say thank you to even one person on a daily basis. It makes all the difference.

4. Send an appreciative email to a co-worker

There are so many people in the workplace today that go about feeling unappreciated despite that fact that they are doing a good job. Here is your opportunity to say thank you to your co-worker and to let him/her know how grateful you are for what they are doing to make life better for others including you.

5. Take notice of the beauty in nature and say thank you

Everywhere we look we are surrounded by beauty. It might be the lush green grass, perhaps it’s the branches waving in the cool breeze, a flower blooming, birds nestled in the tree chirping or even a person’s face flashing a beautiful smile.

These are all God’s beautiful creation. Let us give thanks.

6. Reflect on your previous day’s celebration while having your shower

The shower is a great place to  reflect and meditate on previous day’s celebration. It gives you the opportunity to take note of the fact that you could not have accomplished the victory all by yourself and the need to reach out to those who helped to make it possible.

Over to you, talk it over

What value have you derived from this post? What would you like to add? What are some other healthy gratitude habits that you have tried that bring about inner peace? What are you most grateful for at this very moment?

About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

19 Comments on 6 Healthy Habits Of Gratitude That Build Inner Peace

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful post! I especially love the point you make about sending an appreciation note to a co-worker- what a great idea, and also love the points you make about nature. Being in nature is what gives me the most peace.. I have to make a point daily to get outside and take a walk in the nature that surrounds me, it cleanses my soul! There is a great book written by Mary Reynolds Thompson titled, “Reclaiming the Wild Soul” This book is an antidote the world of high-tech, high-stress and hyper-rationality. It invites us to reclaim our wild souls and our place in the great community of rivers, forests, peaks, and pastures. Thought you might enjoy it as well!

    • Lovely idea, Liz, I agree. Nature has a way of cleansing the soul :-). I will take a look at Embrace Your Inner Wild – great title and concept.

    • Hi Liz

      I absolutely appreciate you for taking the time to stop ny and to give this awesome feedback on this post.

      Thanks for the added value and the recommended resource material. I will be certain to check it out.

      I can also identify with the point of being in nature and the peace it brings. It really calms the soul.

      Have a great day/week ahead. Cheers! 🙂

  2. ferdiklint // October 9, 2014 at 8:11 pm //

    Hello Madam Yvonne,

    This is a lovely post on ”Gratitude”. It is very educative.

    Many do not know the effects of gratitude. As humans we should always show gratitude for whatever we face. Gratitude should be shown for the favours we recieve from our fellow human and for the numerous blessings bestowed upon us by God.

    The story of the Ten Lepers tells us more about gratitude; Jesus healed ten lepers but only one could come back and appreciate that favour. What happened to the rest?
    We should always be grateful for the good things we recieve, we musn’t give a large amount of money just to show gratitude. We can express gratitude with our good wishes, our prayers and good thoughts as well.

    Thanks for revealing to us, the need to be grateful. I enjoyed reading this

  3. ntawadrous // October 8, 2014 at 4:46 pm //

    Hi Yvonne,

    This is my first time at your blog coming from Harleena’s blog after reading about you being one of the GEMS for the month of September in her community. Congratulations.

    Everything works for the good and I am blessed to come here and read a post about Thanksgiving and Gratitude and I love this subject and reading all your points you shared, I was nodding my head in agreement. I love the subject of Gratitude and I loved the verses you quoted from the bible. Now, I thank GOD for a true Christian blogger like you spreading the word of GOD.

    Thanksgiving And Gratitude are blessings to ourselves because of how they make us feel. The beauty about Thanksgiving And Gratitude is that it’s a win-win. You make people feel great receiving it and you feel great practicing it.

    Thanks Yvonne for a great share!! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Be Blessed,


  4. Neamat Tawadrous // October 8, 2014 at 4:45 pm //

    Hi Yvonne,

    This is my first time at your blog coming from Harleena’s blog after reading about you being one of the GEMS for the month of September in her community. Congratulations.

    Everything works for the good and I am blessed to come here and read a post about Thanksgiving and Gratitude and I love this subject and reading all your points you shared, I was nodding my head in agreement. I love the subject of Gratitude and I loved the verses you quoted from the bible. Now, I thank GOD for a true Christian blogger like you spreading the word of GOD.

    Thanksgiving And Gratitude are blessings to ourselves because of how they make us feel. The beauty about Thanksgiving And Gratitude is that it’s a win-win. You make people feel great receiving it and you feel great practicing it.

    Thanks Yvonne for a great share!! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Be Blessed,


    • Hi Neamat

      A very warm welcome to my blog 🙂 It’s a pleasure to have you here. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. Your spirit is uplifting and I am happy we have connected.

      Gratitude and thanksgiving are basic principles of life that have their origin in the bible. Many people practice it for sure, yet there are many others who are not in tune with it either way and think that it better to always be on the receiving end. But I have proved it is more blessed to give than to receive and that there is always something to be thankful for.

      God bless you and thanks for taking out the time to visit and to participate in the discussion. Have a great rest of the week. 🙂

  5. Hi Yvonne,

    I always like the topics you bring to us.:)
    You know when I think about my inner happiness then I try to live my life according to me which makes me happy.

    I agree with your points about appreciating the nature and sending e-mails to co-workers.
    As I always say that the most beautiful thing is when some appreciates our work.

    The points you have added in this articles are remarkable.

    Thanks for this amazing article.

    Hope you are having a great day.:)

    • Thanks for such a beautiful comment Ravi which is very inspiring and motivating.

      I agree that much of our happiness is derived from the way that we feel inwardly about ourselves. We cannot take it for granted. Those positive thoughts about ourselves brings peace and tranquillity to our soul and spirit.

      A pleasant day is wished to you. I appreciate you stopping by. 🙂

  6. Hi Yvonne; Thanks for the reminder about gratitude. I do my best to appreciate the people in my life and the beauty in the world on a daily basis. and i find that your exercise of finding five things to be grateful for each day is a perfect one. One, because it will help people to feel better. And two, I know from my own experience that once you can find one or five things to be thankful for today tomorrow you will probably find six or ten or who knows. Like a lot of things gratitude is something you get better at the more you do it. and I agree about the shower being great for contemplation. Just so long as there is plenty of hot water and no one is doing the dishes. Thanks for sharing, max

    • Yes Max
      I recall reading a post on your website recently where you spoke much about gratitude and you even went as far as setting up a page on the subject, so I realise gratitude is a big part of your daily life as well.

      If we take the time to look around us there is so much we can begin to say thank you for. Many tend to look for the big things to appreciate and say thank you for but little things are just as important and for those we say thank you.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great day

  7. Why does Paul advice that we gave thanks irrespective of our situation? You have anwsered this question by letting us know that Gratitude elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms us.

    I have noticed that people who don’t believe in Gratitude or don’t value it at all, end up becoming unhappy, arrogant complainers and Judgmental individuals. When we embrace Gratitude and tried the tips you have outlined, we are at peace with ourselves. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for this beautiful comment Ikechi. I will add to it by saying that people who don’t believe in gratitude and express it tend to be greedy, and grabby, and look for every occasion to heap/grab more unto themselves.

      The thing is however, they are soon discovered and what they grab they can’t keep and they enx up loosing everything.

      I love giving thanks in every situation. Paul’s scripture on that is my all time favourite.

      Have a great week. 🙂

  8. Hi Yvonne,

    Lovely post indeed 🙂

    I agree with Vishnu about the healing of dreaded diseases like cancer and others, especially when the LOA works in your favor and just with the power of gratitude.

    Yes, life should be spent giving more than receiving and I just hope more people could understand and just experience the joy there is giving. Being grateful can start from any small thing – a simple thought, a deed, a gesture, just about anything – it’s a habit, a feeling, a deep thought of gratefulness that comes from within. Loved the infographic shared and the ways we can be express our gratitude too.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend 🙂

    • Hi Harleena

      Both of you are spot on point. The principle of giving and saying thanks in appreciation for all that’s been done for us starts with a simple thought – it’s more blessed to give than to receive.

      If only more people will realise that and act upon it, we know the world will be a far better place to live in.

      Greatfulness can be practiced just about any place and anytime – it doesn’t mean someone have to give us something. It’s showing and expressing appreciation for the things in life, even our experiences.

      Thanks as always for your unwavering support and encouragement. Have a great week. 🙂

  9. Hi Yvonne,

    You know, I’m an 100% optimist person and my life revolves around gratitude. Gratitude is the way of giving to the whole universe. If each and everyone show the gratitude towards one another you could imagine that almost whole world’s population is praying for you.
    I’ve seen cancers being cured with gratitude and It’s the way of unfold happiness because living for others is true living!
    I love giving and helping people because I know the simple physics that “to every action, there is equal and opposite reaction.”
    If you give love, receive love, if you give anger, receive anger as simple as that!
    Thanks for sharing this awesome and my kinda post, I loved it!

    • Hi Vishnu
      That’s an amazing story about cancer being healed with gratitude. I call it a miracle!

      So true if only more people would come together and open their mouth and say these simple words ‘thank you’ I am saying the world and life in general will be much better.

      The Law of Attraction rule applies for sure. Whatever we give to others we are sure to get back in return. So definitely it is best to give the best things in life.

      Thanks for coming over and participating in the discussion. Have a blessed day. 🙂

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