
You R Your Own Success Story, Tell It!

Okay ya’ll, I have a small confession to make! What’s the secret confession you asked? Well, before I give it, we all have them, don’t we? Uum, I hope you did not say NO, because the truth be told, we all have them….small ones, not so small ones, the big ones, even the jaw dropping ones!

So this is my not so secret (anymore) confession, “I do not make New Years resolution! No, I don’t and I do not feel guilty about not doing so!” I won’t get into the details about the why of it, let’s just say that me personally, I do not make myself promises/New Years resolutions that I know deep within myself I’ll break even before the first month of the year gets done…I mean yoyo diets that gives microwave fat burning results from our body from the foods that our mouth should not have taken in in the first place…signing up for the gym subscription that we never use….like saying I am going to make serious changes in spending habits (like happiness comes in a box from This one is not for you right? Hope not. By now though, I believe we got the picture.

But here comes the twist. Yesterday, I had reason to ask myself this one simple question, “What am I going to do different this time around to ensure that 2013 is my best year yet?”

There were a number of things I internalized that went like this:

  • Draw closer to God in order to have a more intimate and personal relationship with Him. 
  • Increase my frequency of prayer.
  • I could do with loving myself more than I am doing now so that I can ‘infect’ the whole world through that God kind of love. (Agape love) 
  • How about pampering myself more (lately my work schedule has not been allowing me to do much of that)……. 

Then it got more twisted once I read my subscription mail I received from “Higher Awareness” that same day. I went on to check out their “9 powerful questions to fuel a powerful year, our gift to you!”  But don’t all these things add up to setting oneself to making resolutions for the New Year? It’s like doing the same old same old generically manufactured stuff. Perhaps, depending on how you see it.

Today though is a brand new day and my perspective has changed. I am feeling more EMPOWERED! And with the grace of the Almighty God,  I am ready to take it to a whole new dimension!  How? What got into me that would bring about this turnaround? For starters, I was reminded of God’s word that says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Deep within my spirit, I knew I had to listen and go the way that my heart was leading me to go and that is, I do not need  New Years resolution but I will leave it and allow God to lead and guide my steps each day. I will keep on telling my story of God’s true amazing love for me and how He continue to manifest His divine purpose for my life even right here on my Blog. Then as if to bring me the confirmation I needed to tell me I was right on track with my new perspective, I came across this amazing video today by Iyanla Vanzant: How To Rewrite Your Life Story (VIDEO) I was totally blown away by  it! I loved every bit of it and I am certain that you would too, just check it for yourself.

If telling my story brings one soul closer to God, then I know that my living would not be in vain. The bible says, heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents and who come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

If telling my story will cause love to permeate into the hearts of mankind and those who are touched by this Blog around the world, then I know we are on our way to more love and peace here on earth!

If telling my story would cause someone else to be better and to do it better than I did, then I know that I am impacting lives and it’s okay according to the word to make room for that gift and that someone else can do it ever better than I can!

Share God’s love

The truth is as you look around you, “You R Your Own Success Story, Tell It!!” Don’t let anyone else tell your story for you, NO! God is saying, you go and tell it for yourself! Be an inspiration! Leave motivation with the last person you conversed with so that they too would want to get up and do something better with their life because you touched their heart and soul. And in the words of Arnold H. Glasgow, “Make your life a mission, not an intermission.” 

About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

4 Comments on You R Your Own Success Story, Tell It!

  1. Hi EMoments reader:
    Thank you for visiting and leaving comment. I absolutely agree with what you've said. Have a blessed day!

  2. Anonymous // January 8, 2013 at 2:00 pm //

    I gave up on making New Year's Resolutions also. It's enough to just keep on “pressing on” day to day. Singing: We Come This Far By Faith”.

  3. Hi Chris:
    It is always best yes to draw closer to God and this is really what I would continue to do. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Hi Yvonne:
    I don't resolutions anymore either; for the very same reason as you. I do like what you've suggested here however:
    –Drawing closer to God
    Think we can always do that.


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