
8 High Impact Positive Self-Talk To Tell Yourself [And Others] Everyday

Did you know that self-talk can have mind blowing impacts on your self-esteem and confidence when practiced in the correct way?

I know there are some persons who do not believe in doing it. And guess what, that’s okay. It’s your choice and you have a right to make choices in your life.

There was a time that I did not believe in self-talk. And here is my simple reason. Having been in the profession of nursing for many years, I witnessed first hand patients who were diagnosed with mental illness [no disrespect here at all] constantly talking to themselves.

When they were not muttering or speaking out loud, you could tell from the stare that some ‘conversation’ was going in their head. So I chided myself in not doing any self-talk.

What is self-talk?

Self-talk is the practice of talking to or coaching oneself with sayings either out aloud, or silently and mentally. There is positive and negative self-talk, which by the way, I now know is different from what I experienced with the patients who I nursed suffering from mental illness. Happy Woman ID-10017805

Both types of self-talk can have huge impacts on the way that you feel about about yourself each day [emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and even physically] and these will be discussed shortly.

“You can think of self-talk as the inner voice equivalent of sports announcers commenting on a player’s successes or failures on the playing field,” this according to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D in an article she wrote on Psychology Today called “Make Your Self-Talk Work For You,”

It is no surprise that some have mastered the art of self-talk. I believe that is because as they have listened to themselves over time, they now strategically pay close attention to their choice of words and in so doing, and with practice, self-talk now comes naturally to them.

You will find that these individuals [positive self-talkers] are very optimistic. They lend their voice to a high level of optimism, that even when there is chaos and confusion all around them, they are hopeful about life and the outcome of whatever the situation may be.

Benefits of positive self-talk?

Positive self-talk can have lasting profound benefits on a person’s life and here are a few of them:

  • A ‘larger than life’ feeling about yourself
  • A huge boost in your level of self-confidence
  • Builds your self-esteem
  • Gives that feeling of empowerment and you being in control
  • Improves your relationships and helps you to make friends
  • Drives away doubt and fear and builds your faith and confidence in God
  • Improves your image and the way you present yourself to others
  • Improves your work life
  • It boosts your level of productivity
  • It relieves stress

Negative self-talk – A Huge No, No!

By now, it is no secret about the damaging effects that negative self-talk can have on ones life. Engaging in such destructive behavior brings you down all the time.

You are constantly questioning and second guessing yourself, and very soon that type of talk cripples you to the point of doubt and uncertainty.

It makes you feel miserable, inferior and lousy about yourself and it even have the tendency to impede the recovery process of those recovering from depression and other mental health disorders.

Here are examples of negative [dysfunctional] self-talk. One as a result of someone’s actions and the second a result of what someone said.

Angry woman ID-10094640

Case in point #1

About two weeks ago at the office, a co-worker did something that I felt had a direct impact on me and the way it left me feeling. I honestly felt rejection by her actions.

Then later on, during a conversation in which the matter was discussed, I ended by saying, “You know what, that’s okay. It just goes to show again that I am one of the persons who it seems have been classified as the rejects around here.”

The rebut I received really caused me to stop, think and later on had regrets that I would say such a thing. At first I tried to defend what I had said, but my other co-worker was adamant when she said, “No you are not! And be careful what you say eh, words have power!”

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” ~ Proverbs 18:21

Read also: The Power Of Your Words

Case in point #2

Over the weekend, my attention was drawn to a negative comment someone made about me. In addition to what the person said, she laughed. I did not find it funny and so my interpretation of it was, ‘she was laughing at me.’

That triggered negative emotions, and there I was again not handling myself the way that I know how and really should have. About an hour or so later, I walked into the kitchen and said to my daughter, “Girl, I feel whack!”

Daughter: “You need to stop speaking those negative things over your life….”

Me: “What are you trying to say, you never felt that way before? I did not say I was whack. I said I felt whack.”

Daughter: “It doesn’t matter. You are speaking negative. You know, just like you would say to me. ‘Stop releasing curse words over your life..stop speaking negatively about yourself.’ ”

Do you see the destructive pattern? In both instances I was busy with the commentary going on in my head. And when those thoughts were processed, they came through my words and even my actions as I tried to defend my what turned out to be a dysfunctional pattern of behavior.

You must read: 8 Things To Stop Believing So You Can Move Forward

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8 High Impact Positive Self-talk To Tell Yourself & Others Everyday

1.) You are fearfully and wonderfully made

Remind yourself everyday of the beauty that lies within you. You are God’s workmanship, His prized jewel and the apple of His eyes.

2.) I believe in you no matter what

Even when there is ‘noise’ all around you, and others don’t believe that you can, give yourself that pat on the shoulder and the vote of confidence that you can fulfill your dreams.

3.) Don’t give up, persevere to the end  

Some people would like nothing more than to see you drop out before you even reach the finish line so they can look at you as a failure. But you’ve got to stay on course, the crown of life is at the end.

4.) Failure is not an option

What some call failures are really the fertilizer/s for your faith to grow and for you to be propelled into your next dimension. They are the preview to your blessings!

5.) You are safe and loved

Sometimes you just need that nudging and that re-assuring voice that reminds you that you are loved and protected

6.) Today is a new day to succeed in what you fell short in yesterday

Each day is a new opportunity to try again what you did not complete the day before.

7.) Everyone in their area of expertise started at the bottom before they made it to the top of the ladder now, and you will too!

8.) You have what it takes to get the job done

No matter what, you are the only one who can do what God created you to do. You have the right gifts, talents, ideas and strategy to make an impact on the life of others!


So, was this post helpful? How has it helped you? Do you consciously self-talk and what are some others benefits that has come as a result of you doing so? If not, do you plan on doing so now that you have read this post?

photos-courtesy of:

About Yvonne I. Wilson (793 Articles)
Yvonne I. Wilson is known for her prolific, dynamic leadership style with over twenty years in the healthcare industry. She is a trailblazer and a catalyst for change; a positive thinker and someone who is very passionate and optimistic about life. She is mantled as an end-time Apostolic Prophet with an extraordinary spirit of discernment, an exceptionally strong prophetic and healing anointing and a unique gift in prophetic intercessory prayer as she navigates through the realm of the spirit and as she ministers to the nations. With the Agape love of God and His undeniable purpose for which He has called her, God has given her a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry to bring deliverance to His people, to heal the wounded, rejected and emotionally scarred/broken in spirit, to break barriers, old paradigms and false teachings and to rebuild, establish and plant the things of God.

13 Comments on 8 High Impact Positive Self-Talk To Tell Yourself [And Others] Everyday

  1. Ramesh Solanki // April 19, 2016 at 7:42 am //

    Yvonne… you are awesome

  2. Great Post Yvonne! I love your blog and all its possitivity! 🙂 Stopping by from Sits! 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and a warm welcome to you Lisa! Your presence is warmly felt and greatly appreciated. Blessings and continue to have a wonderful day! 🙂

  3. For me, I have notes posted on my vanity to see every morning! One of my notes reads, “Be a better wife and mother than you were yesterday” … I find this note helps me start my day anew with those roles in my life. It relieves me of the ‘perfect syndrome’ but reminds me that it is a conscious goal of mine to always strive to be a little bit better and more importantly to be present.

    Love the post!

    • Hi Danielle, a warm welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting!

      That is an excellent self-talk that you give yourself every morning. I know that you will be helping someone else who comes by and read this comment to understand the need to relieve ourselves of the ‘perfect syndrome.’ And even if someone is not yet a wife/mother and don’t see the need to say it, then an alternative variation I believe would be to say, “I will be a better person today than I was yesterday.”

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for adding value to this discussion and EMB’s blog community. Please do come again. Have a great weekend/upcoming week. Blessings! 🙂

  4. A great inspirational column! I especially enjoyed how you kept it so real and was able to share your own experience through the cases you presented. From my own experience, I have done self-talk. I also heard others say they don’t mind it, but tend to associate it with being “crazy” or losing their mind. Can you shed some light on that? God bless you Yvonne.

    • Thanks for your thoughtfulness Janelle. Good to know that you are among those who engage yourself in self-talk and no doubt have experienced the benefits of doing so. From the research that I have done, there is really no evidence that would suggest to me that someone who self-talk is mentally ill or have lost their mind. We do need to encourage ourselves more by speaking positive things [life] into our situation. People will be less stressed and would live healthier and more happy lives.

  5. I find myself talking to myself a lot. when my children scold me for doing this. I simple tell them that I am encouraging myself in the lord. If I do not encourage myself who will do it for me?

    • I talk out aloud to myself a lot as well Beverly. I also use self-talk to speak my way through deliverance and out of difficult situations. It works!

      There is a song too that says, ‘sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Sometimes you just have to speak a word over your life during the test….The psalmist David encouraged himself in the Lord. This is something we each have to do for ourselves! Thanks for stopping by and giving your voice to this discussion. God bless you! 🙂

  6. I totally agree. One of the best books I’ve ever read was about positive self talk and it really helped me in many ways =) The 8 self talk you’ve mentioned are very helpful!

    Visiting from SITS

    • Thanks for stopping by Viviene and sharing your thoughts with us. I am also happy that you found the self-talk very helpful. The benefits derived from engaging in it are definitely great. Have a great week. 🙂

  7. HI Yvonne,

    Wonderful indeed 🙂

    I loved your various case studies, something that happens with some of us around and how you dealt with this post. Yes, positive self talks are so important as they are the ones that litrally lifts us up from the down times most of us go through.

    There is no dearth of negativity around us, and at such times the LOA is what really works. You think positive, and the positive happens, or else, vice versa. Wonderful self talks to tell ourselves daily, as you listed and said them all. I know sometimes it’s just not possible to do it daily, but I am sure some of them we can always try.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

    • Hi Harleena,
      You know I believe in a higher power than myself and by that I understand that God allows everything to happen to us for a reason. The thing is not to question and ask, ‘why me?’ instead, one should ask, ‘what for?’ My reaction in both case may have been ‘over the top.’ But in hind-sight I see now how I was able to draw from both experiences to illustrate the point of self-talk and what effect it can have, whether positive or negative.

      I agree there is no death to negativity around us. At times you can be having the best of day when someone comes along and say or do something to steal your joy. But I am happy for the lessons that I learned from this and other situations.

      I promise to put these self talk on sticky notes or make a poster card with them listed on it and place in areas that are visible as a way of reminding me to say them each day.

      Have a blessed day. Thank you for gracing us with your presence once again. It is much appreciated. Cheers! 🙂

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