
Articles by KalleyC | Cables and Purls

About KalleyC | Cables and Purls (7 Articles)
I honestly started with Crochet. Then I saw a knitting pattern and just decided to learn. Well, now I love both crafts, but I lean more towards knitting. I write about knitting, crocheting, and life.

Answering His Call

September 7, 2014 // 3 Comments

From childhood, many of us have the experience of being on our knees and saying our prayers.  Usually, it begins with the Our Father, or maybe our own petition, but we have [....]

Believing In Your Values

May 16, 2014 // 2 Comments

Have you ever noticed that when you start something new or introduce something different, it feels like everyone and everything is against you? This has happened more times [....]

An Easter Call to Action

April 18, 2014 // 8 Comments

By Kalley C [Kalendy M. B. Chiu] Palm Sunday sometimes feels like the rise before the fall. Jesus rides into town, and everyone cheers for him.  He is loved, and people are [....]